1.5 Quart BD Sharps Container

1.5 Quart BD Sharps Container

sku # 305487-P

$7.59 - $251.99

5 Quart Covidien Sharps Container

5 Quart Covidien Sharps Container

sku # 8506-P

$14.15 - $242.15

2 Gallon Covidien Sharps Container

2 Gallon Covidien Sharps Container

sku # 89671-P

$12.39 - $247.65

2 Gallon Covidien Sharps Container

2 Gallon Covidien Sharps Container

sku # 4802N-P

$11.05 - $189.65

2.2 Quart Covidien Sharps Container

2.2 Quart Covidien Sharps Container

sku # 1522-P

$5.75 - $345.05

3 Gallon Stericycle Sharps Container

3 Gallon Stericycle Sharps Container

sku # 303SRCL-P

$16.15 - $193.85

3 Gallon Stericycle Sharps Container

3 Gallon Stericycle Sharps Container

sku # 333SRCL-P

$16.45 - $196.89

305517 Enlarge View

5.4 Quart BD Sharps Container

sku# 305517-P
$13.39 - $267.55

  • For use with 305096, 305098 and 305447.
  • Counterbalanced, rotating cylinder lid for safe, one handed disposal.
  • Same product as the 305426

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